Team Captain
Michelle Rocha
Michelle Rocha
Team Members
Breakthrough T1D Walk, Rhode Island 2024

In February of 2023 our then 3 year old Madilyn was rushed to the emergency room with blood sugar over 500. Madilyn had started having symptoms of diabetes (increased thirst and urination) and on February 26th our beautiful girl was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. The diagnosis was terrifying and overwhelming. "This won't go away and this is lifelong" were some of the words echoing in my head. I remember the fear so vividly as we walked out of that hospital with the responsibility of keeping our beautiful girl healthy and taking on the role of her pancreas. We are now over a year into this journey and Madilyn is doing amazing! We have adjusted completely and this is our new normal. We have many ups and downs (literally) but Madilyn, big brother Rowyn, Maddie's dad and myself are stronger than ever. I ask you to please support Maddie and our family in this walk for critical research in Type 1 Diabetes. Every donation helps and we appreciate the love and support so much.

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Breakthrough T1D Walk, Rhode Island 2024

Your support will help fund life-changing research and create a world without type 1 diabetes (T1D).
