The Staff at Breakthrough T1D is dedicated to turning Type One into Type None one mile at a time!

Welcome to our Ride to Cure Diabetes Breakthrough T1D Page! 

Breakthrough T1D is taking part in the Ride to Cure Diabetes because we know that our fundraising efforts will help improve the lives of millions of people living with type 1 diabetes (T1D).

Did you know T1D:

  • Is an autoimmune disease in which a person's pancreas stops producing insulin – a hormone essential to turning food into energy.
  • Strikes both children and adults suddenly and is unrelated to diet and lifestyle. 
  • Requires constant carbohydrate counting, blood-glucose testing, and lifelong dependence on injected insulin.

With T1D there are no days off, and there is no cure—yet. But Breakthrough T1D is working every day to change that.

Together, every dollar we raise will help Breakthrough T1D continue to fund critical research that impacts the lives of millions of children, adults, and families affected by T1D. Just click on a name below.

With your support, we will create a world without T1D and turn Type One into Type None. Thank you.

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