Let's create a world without T1D!
Hi, I'm Wilbur and I was diagnosed with T1D when I was just 14 months old! I'm in the First Grade now and, thanks to the work of JDRF, I'm able to live a life that looks not so different from my classmates. I have a pump and a CGM (continuous glucose monitor) that take care of my dosing and let my parents and teacher know how my blood sugar is throughout the day and if I might need a little extra snack or juice, or even some insulin.
This past year, my little brother, Wiley (he's 2), was also diagnosed with T1D. I'm doing my best to be a good example for my brother, helping him see that just because we have to track our carbs and pay attention to what we eat and what it might do to our blood sugar, we can still have fun! (And we have a lot of fun!)
There are a lot of stereotypes and misunderstandings about Diabetes and why people might get it. With T1D, a person’s pancreas stops producing insulin—which is really important for turning our food into energy. The daily life of someone with T1D brings a multitude of challenges, including insulin injections that need to be carefully balanced with eating and activity, disruptive glucose monitoring, sleepless nights—and wishing for a tomorrow where this struggle doesn’t exist.
Living with T1D means there are no days off and there is no cure. But there is hope.
Your gifts and generosity will help JDRF fund life-changing breakthroughs to remove the incredible daily burden of this disease—until it no longer exists.
Thank you!