CONGRATULATIONS to our Challenge Winners!
Darcy Gibbens of Team T1Doodle will lead the T1D Champions Parade as our First Grand Marshal!
Team BrAVERY will cut the ribbon to start the inaugural Breakthrough T1D Walk San Diego!
November is Diabetes Awareness Month (NDAM) and what better way to share your T1D story and continue fundraising for T1D research!
Helpful Fundraising tips:
1. Give your Team Members a shoutout on Social Media when they donate.
2. Download the Walk App on the Apple App Store or at Google Play! Then send a message to family and friends.
3. Share your story on social media & challenge your family, friends & co-workers to match your self-donation!
4. Send an email to your contacts with your Walk page link sharing why you walk and challenge them to match your self-donation.
5. Send a text message to your family and friends with your Walk page link!
6. Start a Facebook Fundraiser from your Walk Participant Center.
7. Having a Holiday Party? Ask for donations at the door to support your team.
Follow us on Facebook at BreakthroughT1DSoCalSD & on Instagram at BreakthroughT1DSoCal_SD.
Take action for the entire T1D community
As the leading global type 1 diabetes (T1D) research and advocacy organization, Breakthrough T1D has played a crucial role in nearly every major T1D breakthrough in history.
No organization does more to improve everyday life with T1D—from therapy development and access, to expanding research, advocacy, and community support. Breakthrough T1D Walk is the world’s largest fundraising and community-building event for the T1D community. By joining Breakthrough T1D Walk, you will help us create a movement to improve and change life with type 1 diabetes, advancing life-changing breakthroughs on the way to cures.
T1D is an autoimmune disease that is diagnosed in both children and adults and has nothing to do with diet or lifestyle. Managing T1D requires constant attention and action—including overnight. Even with a strict regimen, people with T1D can still experience dangerously high or low blood sugar that can lead to complications and, in extreme cases, be life-threatening.
Your contribution to the Breakthrough T1D Walk, San Diego 2024 charts a path to cure, prevent, and better treat type 1 diabetes and its complications—and ensure access to treatments globally.
Register today for the Breakthrough T1D Walk, San Diego 2024 and join us in taking action for the entire T1D community.