Dexcom International Walk Team

This year we are excited to support Breakthrough T1D Walk and it's Walk program globally.  Breakthrough T1D Walk gives Dexom employees, customers, family and friends the opportunity to work together to raise money for research that will improve the lives of people with T1D in our communities. We encourage you to join our  Breakthrough T1D Walk efforts with a donation to help Breakthrough T1D turn Type One into Type None.  Simply click on one of the teams below to make your donation.  You will receive a custom Dexcom walk shirt and help support Breakthrough T1D Walk Research in your area!

If you have any questions reach out internally to Lauren Wood at or visit to find a Breakthrough T1D Walk Location near you.

Our Miles Towards Mission

In support of the 1.45 million Americans living with T1D, our miles will be counted towards a collective goal of walking 1.45 million miles.


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