Team Captain
Mr. Mark H Smith
Mr. Mark H Smith
Team Members
Breakthrough T1D National Walk Team
Breakthrough T1D Walk, Treasure Valley 2024

Welcome to Team Pump it Up!

There are a number of significant developments in our diabetes world the last year.

First, the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation unveiled a rebranding in June, and is now known as Breakthrough T1D. There is a persistent misconception, even among health professionals, that type 1 diabetes only occurs in children, despite the fact that half of those newly diagnosed are adults. Dropping the word “juvenile” will hopefully

We walk for all affected by type 1 diabetes (T1D) but especially those living with T1D in our family. Mark's brother-in-law, Arlan, was diagnosed in 1972. His son and Mark's nephew, Jared, was diagnosed in 1991. Our daughter, Amy, was diagnosed in 2000. And our son, Matthew, developed his in 2020. And we welcome our friend Aidan Langleis to our team.

The 2024 Treasure Valley One Walk in-person walk is the third since the pandemic pause. Last year we were challenged by Breakthrough T1D to raise $70,000, and we far exceeded that to $78.000. We are now being challenged to raise $100,000!

In 2022, Matthew volunteered for a clinical trial. In the workup for the study, it was discovered that he did not have traditional T1D at all (autoimmune attack on the pancreas for unknown reasons), but a rarer form resulting from a specific mutation, and is specifically referred to as MODY5. One consequence of this mutation is defects in his beta cells, which finally caught up with him. He is still insulin-dependent, and management of his disease won’t change. We are still working through the news and medical consequences.

We're helping Breakthrough T1D create a world without T1D where no one has to fear developing this serious disease. By joining our One Walk team and/or making a donation to Breakthrough T1D, you can be part of the effort to improve the lives of millions of people affected by T1D.

Breakthrough T1D can boast a number of recent accomplishments, due to donations like yours:

FDA approved bolus dosing from the patient’s cell phone for Tandem® insulin pumps. Now patients can give themselves a mealtime dose without having to fiddle with the pump itself. One patient said she kept the pump in her bra to be readily available. Now she can bolus quite discreetly!

In November 2022, FDA approved Teplizumab, a biologic by Provention Bio which delays progression of T1D an average of three years.

Breakthrough T1D has invested in Civica, a nonprofit generic pharmaceutical company, to manufacture and distribute low-cost biosimilar insulins for no more than $30/vial, regardless of insurance status. Production is expected to begin in 2024. Competitive pressure of this move, and other political and media tensions have moved the major drug companies recently to lower their base prices of the most used insulins.

Lucentis and Eylea have been approved to treat diabetic retinopathy. Moreover, recent research has shown that earlier application can impede the development of diabetic retinopathy and macular edema.

Breakthrough T1D supports research into the psychosocial wellbeing of those with T1D, who have a higher incidence that the general population of depression.

We continue to offer a "Letter Bomb"or Christmas ornament. For every donation to our walk of $50 or more, we will send you your very own personalized Letter Bomb or ornament. These are hand-crafted from genuine wool and felted by Debby. Suitable for squeezing in a tense moment, throwing at the TV or decorating your tree. Custom colors may be available.

Will you accept the challenge to make a difference by joining us? Click “Donate to This Team” below to make a donation, or to one of the team members to the right.

Together let’s beat T1D. Thank you for your support!

Mark and Debby

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Breakthrough T1D National Walk Team
Breakthrough T1D Walk, Treasure Valley 2024

Your support will help fund life-changing research and create a world without type 1 diabetes (T1D).
